Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day Six - Sort Of

Ok, haven't run since last Tuesday or so (whenever the last post was). As I previously mentioned, I left my shoes in North Carolina while we were there for Memorial Day. Also, as I have previously mentioned my mom sent them to me via UPS. Well, they had yet to arrive at our house when we left to go out of town on Thursday so I didn't run at all until today. Lesson of the week??? When considering what Brown can do for you... be sure to consider how hard they can screw you as well. Ok, enough of that... Tate and I went for a run this afternoon which was cut short by the threat of rain. I set the Ipod for a 10k and almost got 5 in before the thunder cranked up. This may not have been the worst thing in the world as the leg is still a little sore. Additionally, note that I am now 8 miles behind in getting to my goal of 60 miles in 4 weeks (really only 6 since I ran 2 with my old shoes but the Ipod automatically considers me to be a liar and refuses to count those miles). Hopefully I will have more for you all in the morning. Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Today's Run

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